Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'll be back!!

I promise, I promise, I'll be back soon! It has been a crazy few weeks and all I kept thinking about was....I need to get back to my baking!! But with starting a new job about a month ago, late nights working to get up to speed, a car accident last week and Thanksgiving tomorrow, I've just been trying to keep my head above water lately and haven't had a chance to make too many of the recipes. I did make the Rugelach, but just haven't had time to post.

Today I will be a baking fool getting ready for tomorrow though. I'm making 3 pies (pumpkin, pecan and apple), the holiday bundt cake from Dorie's book (but in loaf form as I do not own a bundt pan) and probably the chocolate banana bread as well. And then cooking all day tomorrow with my mom.

But after Thanksgiving is over, I PROMISE I will be back to my Tuesdays with Dorie weekly posts! I love this group and don't want to risk getting the boot!! So please don't kick me out yet! :)


Miss Feisty said...

Where are you?!?!? I am in desperate need of some good recipes! :)

Oh and I tagged you for a meme on my page :)

John Lute said...

If you want to try something new in, for example, the area of games, then I could recommend you to go to and there you can choose something for yourself.